Several ways to keep your home secure

Home owners consider security a top priority. As such they do everything possible to keep both professional and amateur thugs at bay. However you do not have to break the bank to completely secure your home from burglars. It is also not necessary that you dig a moat around your home or install missiles on your rooftops to make it burglar proof. There are simple, effective and inexpensive ways of protecting and securing your home.

Below are several ways to keep your home secure thanks to our friends over at

Have a quality lockset installed

Quality locksetSpending a little extra on quality high security locks will help secure your home from intruders. Besides adding a sense of beauty and elegance to your home, a high quality lock also sends a strong message to would be intruders. These locks are designed with the ability to resist unauthorized methods of access to your home. These include lock picking, drilling, sawing, and bumping. In addition these types of locks are sold with patented keys that cannot be duplicated.

Add deadbolt locks to standard locks

Deadbolt locks are also an inexpensive way to reinforce security if you use standard locks. This is because most standard locks are not drill or saw resistant and can have their keys duplicated anytime. Talk to your local locksmith about the available types of deadbolt locks and choose one for installation. Just ensure all the exterior doors are fitted with deadbolt locks.

Always rekey or change the locks when necessary

changing lockAs much as you would not want to rekey or change your locks, sometimes there is no way out. Rekeying involves just changing the codes or lock pin so that a different key gets to open it. Lock changing on the other hand involves a complete replacement of your old lock by a brand new one. Changing or rekeying locks becomes necessary when you suspect someone might be having the keys. For example when you move into a new home, you should do either of the two to prevent the former owner or landlord from accessing your home. You can also rekey locks if you lose your key. Sometimes you will just need to change your locks in order to upgrade your home security.

Install a home security alarm system and use it all the time.

Alarms do not necessarily make your home burglar proof, instead they make it hard for thugs to come around. This is because their chances of being seen and caught increase. Put up a signboard that alerts outsiders your home is protected by an alarm. Ensure this sign is always visible and has not been covered by shrubs or removed by any malicious persons. The alarm system should use motion detectors and be connected to all points of access including windows.

Give lighting a priority especially on the exterior

Exterior motion detectors, flood lights as well as good security lights should be installed near entry points such as doors and windows. This strategic lighting makes it almost impossible for a thug to access your home unnoticed.

In addition to regular lights you can invest in a home security camera for protection. Also have a sign board warning intruders that a security camera is watching them.

Invest in a secure home safe

home safeSometimes we tend to focus on outside burglars and forget that we might have someone indoor who can have access to important personal items. Home safes are a good way to shield your documents from a nosey friend, relative or a dishonest housekeeper from stealing them.

Clear and prune any shrubs that may conceal intruders

As much as vegetation adds a sense of beauty to your home, they should not be a hindrance to your home security. Any bushes, trees or shrubs near the house makes it easy for thieves to camouflage and hide as they strategically plan on how to get indoors. Trim and prune any overgrown vegetation so that your windows, doors, porches and even the entire house is visible.

Do not advertise your valuables to outsiders

Sometimes home owners play a big role in inviting thieves into their homes. Most burglars will not risk breaking into a house there are not sure of its valuables. They will want their unauthorized access to be a futile exercise. Use blinders that would not make property visible through the window. Also when you purchase expensive home appliances, ensure you discard the boxes safely without attracting attention.

Do not make it obvious that you are away

You may go on holiday but remember security never takes a break. As such, there are things you can do to confuse people that you are around. These include using automatic timers that will put the lights on and off as if you are there. Also having your mails picked up as usual, and lowering your telephone ringer sound.


Burglary is one of the most common and easiest to prevent crimes. Remember, burglary not only puts your property at risk but also your life. Using the above methods you can prevent burglary from ruining your life. If possible work with professional locksmiths who would give you additional tips on how to improve your home security.

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